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石卷工房 於2011年成立,宮城縣石卷市為2011年日本311大地震重災區當時於東京工作的建築師蘆沢啓治 (Keiji  Ashizawa) 回到昔日工作舊地,親身感受臨時安置區的災民物資貧乏災民的基本的生活用品欠奉,如晾衫架和休憩用的小凳仔便號召一班來自建築界、設計界的志同道合開設社區工作坊運用加拿大紅雪松為木材,親自義教災民手工自製家具,讓大家都能親自動手一起合力重建家園,同時重建大家團結的心。


如今石卷工房已晉身為國際設計品牌,於日本、倫敦、蘇黎世、柏林、日內瓦洛桑、紐約、香港、新加坡、馬尼拉等地方發售而品牌繼續於世界各地舉辦工作坊,透過教學活動傳揚DIY 概念和訊息。蘆沢啓治現擔任品牌主設計師,其拍檔千葉隆博 (Takahiro Chiba) 則主理工房家具製作。品牌更與世界各地不同的設計師合作,創作設計簡單線條、看似粗糙但極具美感、意義和實用,無論放在家居還是公司都適合的家具。

另外,Studio Adjective 非常幸運能於2018 年 成為第一所香港建築及室內設計室公司與石卷工房合作​設計了家具 - Tripodal Stool,此家具更獲得多個設計獎項並於同年正式公開發售。  而在2019年夏季開始,我們更有幸成為石卷工房香港區獨家代理,並開始在各地區開展DIY 工作坊,讓大家都可親自嘗試製作日本木家具。我們知道有很多朋友都喜歡有理念有故事的日本家具,如大家想認識更多關於石卷工房的朋友,歡迎與我們聯絡,讓我們介紹更多資訊給你 !

「 先認識品牌    明白她背後的意義和設計原意   再購買   會更懂得欣賞和珍惜她的價值 」

                                                                                                     Emily - Founder, Objective Hong Kong 


Ishinomaki Laboratory is a Japanese DIY furniture maker established in 2011. Ishinomaki Laboratory began as a community workshop for residents in the city of Ishinomaki, which was devastated by the tsunami triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake five years ago. Inspired from the challenge of maximising the shortage of resources (materials and professional skills) from the disaster, our products are simple, yet functional and attractive. Today, Ishinomaki Laboratory is striving to push the DIY concept forward to broaden the horizons of DIY, design, and craftsmanship – helping to energise people and the community as a socially-oriented, locally-run independent company.


Our products can be found domestically at local retailers and internationally in Singapore, Manila, Hong Kong, London, Zurich, Lausanne, Berlin, and New York, the latter as part of the Herman Miller Flagship Store. Notable projects include the head offices of Google, Yahoo! And Dentsu Isobar in Japan, Blue Bottle Coffee in Nakameguro, Tokyo, WeWork Iceberg in Harajuku, Tokyo, and the Tohoku Standard Store in Sendai.


Ishinomaki Laboratory has continued to hold DIY workshops in Japan and around the world. Additionally, through our Made in Local initiative, we partner with local makers to create Ishinomaki Laboratory products with locally-available materials. Projects under this initiative with local production are currently located in London, Manila, and Berlin.

Photos by :

Ishinomaki Lab

Hirotsugu Hoshikawa & Masaki Ogawa

Ishinomaki Laboratory  石卷工房

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