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*Production Lead Time around 6-8 weeks


石卷工房 Ishinomaki Tripodal Shelf (Brand new product) | HK$ 19,800


Proudly introduce our second Tripodal furniture series -TRIPODAL SHELF for Ishinomakilab . 
As the second furniture design for Ishinomaki Lab since the TRIPODAL STOOL, the shelf extends the structure and form of the stool to become an unique shelving design. We wish you like it 


我們很高興可以為你介紹—這個由我們Studio Adjective為石卷工房所設計的TRIPODAL SHELF。繼我們為工房設計的TRIPODAL STOOL的首次合作之後,這個書櫃由TRIPODAL概念繼續延伸,從而成為一個無論是結構、外貌和整體概念設計也別樹一幟的家具。希望你們會像我們一樣,愛上這份心意和設計。


TRIPODAL SHELF 不但秉承石卷工房活用所有木材,而不浪費材料的原則,更從原有的限制之中突破出的三腳設計。書架中間的主結構為極簡的、呈「日」字形的結構,面另外兩邊則是以兩塊垂直的木板支撐,更可以同時充當書立,整個結構和外形簡單、美觀、耐看之餘,當中更蘊釀著一段充滿設計意義的故事。


Width = 1800mm
Depth = 385mm
Height = 945mm


Design : Studio Adjective 


Made in Japan 日本製


Please contact us if you want to make the order:

如欲查詢或購買產品,請與我們聯絡 : / (+852) 2882 1530


*Welcome to contact us for more product information and delivery method.

**Orders may need a production lead time from 6 to 10 weeks, please contact us for more information.

*** Furniture order over HKD5000 can enjoy free delivery service. 


Follow us on IG: @objective_hk

石卷工房 Ishinomaki Lab - Tripodal Shelf

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